Camelot - Monty Python
King Tut - Steve Martin & The Toot Uncommons
Elvis Is Everywhere (Edited Version) - Mojo Nixon & Skid Roper
This Is Ponderous - 2nu
Insulin - Mike O'Connell
One More Minute - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Things Could Be Worse, I Could Be You - Bill Frenzer
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Hangover - Krypton
Duluth (early fade) - Vinnie & The Stardusters
Ambrose (Part Five) - Linda Laurie
Bucket Of Blood - The Consortium Of Genius
Talk Like A Pirate Day - Tom Smith
Epithets - Paul & Storm
Flat Foot Floogee (excerpt) - Slim & Slam
Rubber Biscuit - The Chips
Go Go Pogo - Walt Kelly
Fox In Socks (Fast Version) - Marvin Miller w/ Marty Gold & His Orchestra
Mairzy Doats - Kay Kyser & His Orchestra
The Funniest Song In The World (excerpt) - Groucho Marx
Slopposition - Bob Miller
On The Amazon - Don McLean
The Ying Tong Song - The Goons
You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) (stereo edit) - The Beatles
Ain't We Crazy - Haywire Mac
#5 White Trash Husband - Sue Fabisch
#4 Swift Kick In The Rear - Dan Hart
#3 Existential Blues - Tom "T-Bone" Stankus
#2 Girlfriend - Henry Phillips
#1 Army Careers - The Frantics
next week: an in-studio interview with the originators of hilarious harmony a cappella style - The Bobs