Earache My Eye Featuring Alice Bowie - Cheech & Chong
500 Robots - Hypnotic Clambake
Giant Robot Store - The Bobs
Cocktails For Two - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
Eat All The Old People (original demo version) - No Time
Still No Sign Of Land (a/k/a Cannibalism) (early fade) - Monty Python
Batman (excerpt) - Stan Swan, His Electric Guitar & Tin Can Band
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Smelling Like Ed Asner - The Vestibules
The Deodorant Song - Ray Stevens
Stink-Foot - Frank Zappa
That's Mathematics (The Remains Of Tom Lehrer edit) - Tom Lehrer
π (uncensored) - Hard 'n Phirm
The History Of Rock - Tim Wilson
Adolf Hitler (excerpt/minor edit) - Stan Swan, His Electric Guitar & Tin Can Band
I Got Stoned And I Missed It - Shel Silverstein
Mulletica (uncensored) - Wammo
The Weather Channel Song (unedited) - Jeff Walker & The Wackjobs
April Showers - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo' - Wendell Hall
Singin' In The Rain - Cliff Edwards
Oui! It's So Humid - 2 Live Jews
The New Street People (Hot Weather Version) - Christine Lavin & The New Port Richey Bodacious Butt Kickers
Baby, It's Cold Outside - Charles Laughton & Elsa Lanchester
#5 Monster Hash - The Toyes
#4 Charliesomething - Eric Schwartz
#3 Elderly Man River - Stan Freberg f/ Daws Butler
#2 Inner Voice (uncensored) - Sudden Death f/ Worm Quartet
#1 They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! - Napoleon XIV
next week: Mother's Day (indulge our Oedipal fantasies)