I Pop Pills - Nate Bucklin
Nuff Liquor - Dino-Mike
Beer Is All There Is - John Melcher
Drinking Beer - Terrible Tim
Beer - The Asylum Street Spankers
No Swallerin' Place - June Carter
Breathless - The Merry Macs
Religion And Politics Ya-Ta-Ta! Ya-Ta-Ta! (Original Version) - Scott Beach
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Raza Skoota - Handsome Sportz Klub
Cooler Than Me - Insane Ian
Breastman - The Boobles
It's Not Easy Bein' Sheen - Eggman
Little Blue Riding Hood - Stan Freberg
My Attorney Bernie - Blossom Dearie
Mononucleosis (live) - Ween
Tequila (background only) - The Champs
I Want My Baby Back - Jimmy Cross
Devo Spice interview
LSD-25 (brief excerpt/background) - The Gamblers
excerpts from:
#10 Wardrobe Malfunction - The Boobles
#9 π - Hard 'n Phirm
#8 Winning (Charlie Sheen Sings) - Schmoyoho
#7 You're An Old Lady (Who Used To Be Hot) - Flat 29
#6 Amish Paradise - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#5 How Do You Spell Quadaffi Khadafy? - Wally Wilson
#4 Snoopy The Dogg - the great Luke Ski
#3 We Love Boobs - The Boobles
#2 Fish Heads - Barnes & Barnes
#1 Charlie Sheen - Power Salad
next week: give myself a birthday present (a whole show of my favorite music, and not just funny stuff)
Bonus Tracks:
The Composer - John Melcher
I Wanna Party With Charlie Sheen - Brian Ashley Jones
Under The Power Lines - Bill Dant
When The Aliens Stole My Car - GrimFacts ED
Tax Breaks For The Wealthy - J. T. Easy