Galaxy Song - Stephen Hawking
The Liberty Bell March (background only) - Edison Grand Concert Band
I Can Hear You - They Might Be Giants
Rolling Kidney Stones (2013 version) - The Capitol Steps
Dr. Hackenbush - Groucho Marx
Talking Yogi Talk - John McCutcheon
Local Swimmers Disrupt Baptism - Dick & Anne Albin
From The Indies To The Andes In His Undies - The Hoosier Hot Shots
Vacuum Cleaner Hoses - Willio & Phillio
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Pickin' On The Chicken - Ray Stevens
If It's Right - Steve Goodie
Rats In My Room - Leona Anderson
Toilet Seat - Heywood Banks
Moose Turd Pie - Utah Phillips
FuMPFest promo
That's My Boy - Stan Freberg
Wide-Screen Mama Blues - Stan Freberg w/ The Toads & Orchestra Conducted By Billy May
The Great Pretender - Stan Freberg w/ The Toads & Billy May's Music
Tele-Vee-Shun (1957 single version) - Stan Freberg
Puffed Grass (excerpt from "Bang Gunleigh, U.S. Marshall Field") - Stan Freberg
Anybody Here Remember Radio? - Stan Freberg
Today The Pits, Tomorrow The Wrinkles! (Bedtime Story) - Stan Freberg
Jeno's Pizza Rolls Spot - Stan Freberg
Show Folk - Stan Freberg
Earth Girls Are Easy - Julie Brown
Happy Earth Day - Captain Beefheart
We Are The Worms - Johnson & Tofte
The Carbon Cycle - Hard 'N Phirm
Monster Man Jam (Ecological Version) - Bobby Pickett
Drip, Drip, Drip (Sloppy Lagoon) (brief excerpt) - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
Cool Water (RCA version) - Sons Of The Pioneers
The Blue Danube (excerpt) - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
Poo Poo In The Prawn - Ian Dury
Pollution (w/ intro) - Tom Lehrer
Toxic Swamp - Kenny Young & The Eggplants
The Ballad Of Woodsy Owl - Jon Schwartz
Bein' Green - Frank Sinatra
Mother Nature - Dan Murphy
Erf - Man Bites God
next week: top ten time