Uncle Jack Sez Relax - Charles Webb & Tom Bolton
Gone Fishin' (w/ intro) - Louis Armstrong & Bing Crosby
Cats At Parties - The Doubleclicks
I Wanna Be A Dog - Radioactive Chicken Heads
Roaches - Jack Larson
The Shadow Knows - The Coasters
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Right Said Fred - Judy Carne
Crazy Mixed-Up Song - Peter Lind Hayes & Mary Healy
Hot Rod Worm - The Slow Poisoner
There's Another Dumbass On The Mountain - Those Darn Accordions!
From The Indies To The Andes In His Undies - John Lithgow
In My Country - The Lemon Sisters (from The Groundlings)
Campaign 2016 - Rocky Mountain Mike
The Big Republican Tent - Roy Zimmerman
I Just Wanna Stay Home From School - Laszlo & Gary
No More Madonna - The Slightly Twisted Disapointer Sisters
DeDe Dinah (brief excerpt) - Frankie Avalon
Carioca - Jonathan & Darlene Edwards
Classical Scratch - The Mutant Rockers [w/ intro from show #85-11]
interview with Carla Ulbrich & Actual Size (Steve Goodie & Andy Corwin)
#10 Urban Dictionary - Dino-Mike f/ Bonecage
#9 Beep Beep - The Playmates
#8 Adam West - Wally Wingert & The Caped Club
#7 Know Your Doctors - Amanda Cohen
#6 The Saga Begins - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#5 Do Your Job - Steve Goodie
#4 In My Driverless Car - Power Salad f/ Arthur's Prior Band
#3 Benedict Cumberbatch - Insane Ian
#2 Unfriend (The Facebook Song) - Throwing Toasters
#1 I Dropped My Phone In The Toilet - Steve Goodie
next week: the issue of radio people using bleeps etc.