The Top 10 Things To Never Say On A First Date - MC Lars
This Is Ponderous - 2nu
Hunger Is From - Ken Nordine
Tapeworm Of Love - I, Brute Force
Pop Off (Dad Vs. Dad) - Nick Tozzi
Reinstalling Windows - Les Barker
Yoda Chant (Third Man record-your-voice booth) (edit) - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Do You Think It's Gonna Rain? - Lou & Peter Berryman
Looks Like It's Going To Rain - Ken Nordine
Do-Wacka-Do - Roger Miller
Mule Skinner Blues - The Fendermen
Midnight Star - "Weird Al" Yankovic
The Visitor - Reverend Billy C. Wirtz
What Seems To Be The Trouble Officer - Michael Blessing
(Let's Go) Smoke Some Pot - Dash Rip Rock
Physical Effects - from A Child's Garden Of Grass (A Pre-Legalization Comedy)
Granny Wontcha Smoke Some Marijuana - John Hartford
Marahuana - Gertrude Michael
The Pope Smokes Dope - David Peel & The Lower East Side
That Acapulco Gold - The Rainy Daze
Pass The Kouchie - Mighty Diamonds
Nat'l Weed Growers Assoc. - Michael Hurley
The Orange County Rolling Acres Senior Center Cannabis Club - Roy Zimmerman
Eating Food - from A Child's Garden Of Grass (A Pre-Legalization Comedy)
Marijuana Munchies - Troy Walker
Marijuana, The Devil's Flower - Mr. Sunshine & His Guitar Pickers
Marijuana Hell - Ron Nagle
#10 If You're A Viper - The Jim Kweskin Jug Band
#9 Stoned People - Eric Schwartz
#8 Reefer Man - Cab Calloway & His Orchestra
#7 Don't Bogart Me - Fraternity Of Man
#6 Wildwood Weed - Jim Stafford
#5 Smoke Two Joints - The Toyes
#4 I Owe A Lot To Iowa Pot - Napoleon XIV
#3 The Devil Went To Jamaica - Travis Meyer
#2 Friendly Neighborhood Narco Agent - Jef Jaisun
#1 The Smoke-Off - Shel Silverstein
next week: Thanksgiving (some favorite funny songs about the holiday, as well as a few all-time musical turkeys)