Cow Patti - Jim Stafford
I Am Cow - The Arrogant Worms
I'd Like To Be A Cow In Switzerland - "Mary McGoon" (Bob & Ray)
Mutant Cows - The Dyzmals
Butt Steak - Joey Skidmore
Jack The Ripper - Screaming Lord Sutch
Killer Klownfish - Radioactive Chicken Heads
My Name Is Not Merv Griffin - Gary Muller
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Ambrose (Part Five) - Linda Laurie
The Old Piano Roll Blues - Lawrence (Piano Roll) Cook
Rosie Don't Bang On The Piano - Cliff Ferre
Trixie, The Piano Playing Pixie - Mel Blanc
Car Phone - Sheeler & Sheeler
There's An App For That - Drew Jacobs
Mr. Frump In The Iron Lung - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Ol' Man Mose - Eddy Duchin & His Orchestra
My Boomerang Won't Come Back - Charlie Drake
I've Been Everywhere - Lucky Starr
Tractor Polka - Atomik Harmonik
I Love Driving - SnG
Mein Gorilla Hat'ne Villa Im Zoo - Max Raabe
Mief - Die Doofen
Muh! - Matterhorn Project
Axel F (brief excerpt) - Crazy Frog
Chick Chick (excerpt) - Wang Rong Rollin
Käsebrot (excerpt) - Helge Schneider
Ding Ding Dong - Waipod Phetsuphan
The Ning Nang Nong (album version edit) - Spike Milligan
Foreign Novelty Smash - The Credibility Gap
#10 Let's Blow Up The Tow Truck - Krypton
#9 Somebody's Watching Me - Radioactive Chicken Heads
#8 Hufflepuffs - Insane Ian
#7 It's Frog Noticing Time - Scooter Picnic
#6 The Scotsman - Bryan Bowers
#5 You Don't Love Me Anymore (Dance Mix) - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#4 Nights In The Lab - Steve Martin & The Steep Canyon Rangers
#3 Geeky Girl - Library Bards
#2 The North Korea Polka - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#1 Another One Rides the Bus - "Weird Al" Yankovic
next week: hunting; Veterans Day