1200 Hamburgers To Go - Imus In The Morning
Too Late To Get Fries - Wally Wingert
Late Again - Tom Tuerff
Three Months Late - Da Yoopers
Adam West - Wally Wingert & The Caped Club
Too Old To Be A Boy Band, Too Young To Die - The Belle Isle Rats
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Brak's Hawaiian Vacation - Space Ghost
Hawaiian Lei Song - Ruth Wallis
Let's Talk Dirty In Hawaiian - John Prine
Pineapple Princess - Barnes & Barnes
Hawaiian War Song - Andy Iona
Hawaiian War Chant (Ta-Hu-Wa-Hu-Wai) - Spike Jones & His Wacky Wakakians
Drink To Hawaii - Johnny Aloha
Borneo - The Muppets
In Old Mexico (live) - Tom Lehrer
Cuban Pete - Desi Arnaz w/ Lucille Ball
Sixpence - The Escorts
The Devil Went To Jamaica - Travis Meyer
Count To Ten - Paul & Storm
Cloud Nine Motel - Farquahr
The Eighth Wonder Of The World - Larry Storch
Seven Old Ladies Locked In A Lavatory - Oscar Brand
Grandad Played The Six-String - Lorne Elliott
Gary Cooper Movie Five Yep - Ted Snag & The Buckets
Freddy Four Toes - Don Bowman
My Girl Has Three Legs - Damaskas
Stacy Brown Got Two - Shel Silverstein
Daddy Cut The Big One - Pork & The Havana Ducks
#10 Mah Na Mah Na - The Kipper Kids
#9 Somebody's Watching Me - Radioactive Chicken Heads
#8 Smells Like Herb Alpert - Power Salad f/ Chuck Rickard
#7 The Brushing Song - Power Salad
#6 Fish Heads - Osaka Popstar
#5 Fluffy - Fred Schneider
#4 I Like - Colleen Green
#3 The North Korea Polka - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#2 Beat On The Brat - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#1 Institutionalized - Brak
next week: girlfriends and boyfriends