playlist courtesy of The Dr. Demento Show

The Dr. Demento Show #18-14 - April 7, 2018

Special Topic: the crazy comedy (spoken entertainment)

Fight Fiercely, Harvard (original studio version) - Tom Lehrer
Poisoning Pigeons In The Park (orchestral version) (stereo mix) - Tom Lehrer
Pollution - Tom Lehrer
Green Gator Ater - Al Sims
Really Rockabilly - Brian Setzer
I Smell Like 90 Weight - Jef Jaisun
Stop Draggin' My Car Around (demo, vocal take 2) - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Demented News With Whimsical Will

Who's On First (later version) - Abbott & Costello
Baseball Football - George Carlin
Religion And Politics Ya-Ta-Ta! Ya-Ta-Ta! (Original Version) - Scott Beach
50 Famous Parental Sayings (excerpt) - Andy Andrews
You Were Speeding - The Frantics
Sister Mary Elephant - Cheech & Chong

Sneezes - Robert J. Wildhack
Every Time You Stifle A Sneeze - Lemon Demon
Someone Ate The Baby - Shel Silverstein
Food Roulette - Dion McGregor
The Beerhunter - Bob & Doug McKenzie
Dave - Cheech & Chong
Rock And Roll Doctor - Travesty, Ltd.

Last Will And Temperament (w/ full ending) - The Frantics
Moose Turd Pie - Utah Phillips
Ice Box Man - George Carlin
Bulbous Bouffant - Radio Free Vestibule
Religion and Politics Ya-Ta-Ta! Ya-Ta-Ta! - Power Salad

No News, Or What Killed The Dog - Nat M. Wills
Inflationary Language - Victor Borge
2000 Year Old Man - Carl Reiner & Mel Brooks

How To Relax Your Colored Friends At Parties - Lenny Bruce
Freebase (excerpt) - Richard Pryor
Hospital (excerpt) - Richard Pryor
next week: in-studio musical performances on The Dr. Demento Show
this summer: do this again