Pukin' In The Parkin' Lot - Pork & The Havana Ducks
I Like - Colleen Green
The Cosby Song - Erich "Dingo" Reinhardt
Benedict Cumberbatch (w/o intro) - Insane Ian
The Laughing Policeman - Charles Penrose
Mah Na Mah Na - The Kipper Kids
Nina-Kocka-Nina - The Dinks
Three Idiots I - Kevyn Dymond
Roman Numerals - The Frantics
Tongue-Twister Twist - Whimsical Will
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Beaten On A Jet Plane - Steve Goodie
Candybars - the great Luke Ski
Finn And Poe - Library Bards
Leia Organa - Palette-Swap Ninja
Smells Like Herb Alpert - Power Salad f/ Chuck Rickard
Opening of Vampira show (excerpt)
Vampira - Misfits
Graveyard Rock - Tarantula Ghoul & Her Grave Diggers
Dinner With Drac (Part 1) - John Zacherle "The Cool Ghoul"
Morgus the Magnificent - Morgus & The Ghouls
Hearsery Rhymes - Morgus The Magnificent
The Bloody - Dr. Shock
The Vegas Vampire - Jim Parker
Trick Or Treat - Elvira
Grave Robbin' Tonight - Zacherley
A Public Execution - Mouse & The Traps
Duke Of Earl (brief excerpt) - The Masked Marauders
Protest Song - Ray Onassis (Neil Innes)
Food - The Takeaways
Bob Dylan's Bar Mitzvah - Richard Belzer
Polka Dot Undies - Bowser & Blue
Star Wars Trilogy Homesick Blues - the great Luke Ski
Green Eggs And Ham - DylanHearsAWho
Chacarron Macarron - Power Salad
Don't'cha (brief excerpt) - Richard Cheese
Making Love To Bob Dylan - John Wesley Harding w/ The English UK
The Times They Are A-Changin' (live, 2018) - Jimmy Fallon as Bob Dylan
Talkin' Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues - Bob Dylan
next week: the top ten for May; get a little head start on summer (warm weather dementia)