Rubber Duckie - Ernie (Jim Henson)
Do You Like Me? (w/ intro) - Bert & Ernie
Puberty's Gonna Get Me - Seth Green (from Family Guy Live In Las Vegas)
Danny Don't You Know? ("cool as heck" edit) - Ninja Sex Party
Mighty Manly Hunting Men - Da Yoopers
Bounce Your Boobies - Rusty Warren
Geeky Girl - Library Bards
Fall In These United States - Duck Logic
Autumn In New York - Jonathan & Darlene Edwards
Jingle Bells - William Shatner f/ Henry Rollins
Demented News With Whimsical Will
Plastic - The Serendipity Singers
Plastic Jesus (w/ intro) - The Goldcoast Singers
Dog With Plastic Stomach - The Yuh-uh-uh-uhs
Be A Hobo - Moondog
Fog On The Hudson - Moondog
Let Us Loiter Together (from "The Dreamer That Remains") - Harry Partch
The Big Rock Candy Mountains - Haywire Mac [ending accidentally repeated]
? (background only) - Moondog
Hobo - Seth & Willie Fred
Sahra Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take The Garbage Out - Shel Silverstein
Slugs - Izabella
Snails And Slugs (edit) - David Little
The Axolotl Song - The Ham Machine
Lickin' Toads Again - Fred Zeppelin
Tree Frog (background only) - Moondog
Telephone Man - Quintron & Miss Pussycat
Dial That Telephone (Part I) - Effie Smith
The Telephone Operator - Dal Williams
Dial That Telephone (Part II) - Effie Smith
#10 How Does A Cow Make Milk - Paul Tripp (Mr. I. Magination)
#9 I Like Mayo On Everything - TV's Kyle
#8 Fish Heads - Osaka Popstar
#7 Below Me - Greg & Brian
#6 Sideboard Song - Chas & Dave
#5 Second Week Of Deer Camp - Da Yoopers
#4 Lincoln Park Pirates (live) - Steve Goodman
#3 It's Hot As Balls Outside - Cirque du So What?
#2 Tickets For "Weird Al" In Sarasota - Jeff Whitmire
#1 Father And Son (live on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert) - Flight Of The Conchords
Vote, Goddammit! - Steve Goodie
next week: religion (sequel to my show for July 7)