Darwin's Pride And Joy - C. Daniel Boling
Wild Bill Hiccup - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
Demented News With Whimsical Will [repeat from 8-3-03]
It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo' - Wendell Hall
I Don't Have To Work Tomorrow - The Gaskets
31 Flavors - Smooth-E
I Love Rocky Road - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Vegetables - The Beach Boys
Banana Love - The Bobs
Hold Tight, Hold Tight (Want Some Sea Food, Mama?) - Andrews Sisters
Ash Hash - Moxy Früvous
The Greatest Man In America - Moxy Früvous
Window-Washing Cowboy - Da Vinci's Notebook
MCI - The Kinsey Sicks
Electric Aunt Jemima - The Persuasions
Helter Skelter - The Bobs
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da - The King's Singers
I Wish I Were (early fade) - Da Vinci's Notebook
Original Dr. Demento Theme - The Persuasions
Papa-Oom-Mow-Wow - The Persuasions
(First I Was A Hippie, Then I Was A Stockbroker) Now I Am A Hippie Again - The Bobs
King Of Spain - Moxy Früvous
Another Irish Drinking Song - Da Vinci's Notebook
I Heard - Mills Brothers
Weather Forecast - The Master Singers
I'm A Train - The King's Singers
She's Goin' Bald - The Beach Boys
Zombie Jamboree - Rockapella
Oral Hygiene - Mr. Elk & Mr. Seal
Liposuction - Da Vinci's Notebook
Rabbit Valley - The Four Postmen
#5 Religion And Politics Ya-Ta-Ta! Ya-Ta-Ta! (lightly censored) - Scott Beach
#4 The Ballad Of Bilbo Baggins - Leonard Nimoy
#3 Random Drug Testing - Cub Koda
#2 The Elements (live) - Tom Lehrer
#1 Dead Puppies - Ogden Edsl Wahalia Blues Ensemble Mondo Bizzario Band
next week: baseball