Happy New Year - Spike Jones & His City Slickers
#50 (tie) Lumberjack Song (live at Drury Lane) - Monty Python
#50 (tie) How Much Is That Doggie In The Casket? - Meyer & Drake
#48 (tie) A Day In The Life Of Green Acres - Damaskas And Barnes & Barnes
#48 (tie) Safari (a/k/a My Sister's Nose) (live in studio from syndicated show #89, 1976) - Peter Alsop
#44 (tie) Do You Think I'm Disco (single version) - Steve Dahl
#44 (tie) Monster Mash - Bobby (Boris) Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers
#44 (tie) The Cockroach That Ate Cincinnati - Possum
#44 (tie) Moose Turd Pie - Utah Phillips
#42 (tie) King Tut - Steve Martin
#42 (tie) Spam - Monty Python
#41 I Ate The Baloney - Orson Bean
#40 C. B. Savage - Rod Hart
EXTRA: Parade/Pasadena - The Credibility Gap
#38 (tie) Amazin' Man (album version w/o intro, cut off early) - John Bird (as Idi Amin)
#38 (tie) Ayatollah - Steve Dahl & Teenage Radiation
#37 Dancin' Fool - Frank Zappa
#35 (tie) Something's In The Bag - Barnes & Barnes
#35 (tie) The Purple People Eater - Sheb Wooley
#33 (tie) What Noise Annoys A Noisy Oyster - Neil Innes
#33 (tie) Sex With A Gun - Blotto Brothers
#32 The Geek's Revenge - Don Noon
#28 (tie) The Ballad Of Irving ("schlepping" version) - Frank Gallop
#28 (tie) Locked In The Closet With You - SuLu
#28 (tie) Earache My Eye Featuring Alice Bowie - Cheech & Chong
#28 (tie) Sister Mary Elephant - Cheech & Chong
#26 (tie) Making Love In A Subaru - Damaskas
#26 (tie) Sex And Drugs And Rock And Roll - Ian Dury
#25 Gilligan's Island (Stairway) - Little Roger & The Goosebumps
#24 Monster Rash - Meyer & Drake
#22 (tie) Rubber Biscuit - Blues Brothers
#22 (tie) Bald Headed Woman - Uncle Z
#20 (tie) Disco Sucks (album version) - Chuck Wagon & The Wheels
#20 (tie) Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life - Monty Python
#19 It's A Gas - Alfred E. Neuman
#18 Teenage Romance - Stuart Paul
#16 (tie) My Name Is Larry - Wild Man Fischer
#16 (tie) Sweet Transvestite - Tim Curry
EXTRA: I Gotta Get A Fake I.D. - Barnes & Barnes w/ Friends
#15 Time Warp - Rocky Horror Picture Show
#14 Mr. Bill - Meyer & Drake [not played due to copyright dispute; Out Of Gas Blues - Meyer & Drake played instead]
#13 They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! (Demented Mix) - Napoleon XIV
#12 Three Drunk Newts - Barnes & Barnes
#11 My Dead Dog Rover - Stu, Dave & Hank & Their Aeolian Duo-Art Player Piano
#10 Frosty The Dope Man - Marc Zydiak
#9 High School Gym - Barnes & Barnes w/ Sulu
#7 (tie) Religion And Politics Ya-Ta-Ta! Ya-Ta-Ta! (lightly censored) - Scott Beach
#7 (tie) Sixpence - The Escorts
#6 The Smoke-Off - Shel Silverstein
#5 My Bologna - "Weird Al" Yankovic
#4 Pencil Neck Geek (w/ epilogue) - Fred Blassie
#3 Dead Puppies - Ogden Edsl Wahalia Blues Ensemble Mondo Bizzario Band
#2 (Bleep)ies And Beer - Frank Zappa
EXTRA: Ain't We Crazy - Haywire Mac
#1 Fish Heads - Barnes & Barnes