Saturday, June 13, 1998: Evanston, IL
Everyone had a good time at Alcon '98,
and I had a good time meeting Gilbert R. LuQue, Jr., a/k/a Good Time
Gil. Gil has been working with Dr. Demento for years, and is currently
helping out with e-mail sent to the Demento Society. At Alcon, he
signed up new Society members, and also brought copies of Dementia
Royale and Demento's Mementos (both autographed by Dr. D),
which were auctioned off for $21 and $35.50, respectively.
I also met many other people there with whom I'd been corresponding for
years over e-mail. Since Mike Hoffman and I were handling the audio
aspects of the convention throughout the day, I didn't get as much time
to socialize and take pictures as I had hoped. I missed getting pictures
with a lot of people, but I did snap a couple of performers who have
been on the show a few times.
On the left is Eric Houg, who appears on the show once every four years
with his break-in presidential interviews. Here he is lip-synching to
"Amish Paradise".
On the right is Chris Mezzolesta, of Zot Theatre and Power Salad fame.
He is seen here performing his latest single, "The Chemical
Engineering Song."
Also appearing on stage at Alcon were such Demento Show favorites as
Sudden Death, Tony Goldmark, & Luke Ski, but alas my camera did not
catch pictures of them. However, you can see such pictures at Jon
Schwartz's Alcon '98 recap.
Wednesday, May 6, 1998: New Orleans, LA
The two Jef(f)s meet! This is me with Jef Jaisun (of "Friendly
Neighborhood Narco Agent" fame), chillin' on the shores of Lake
Ponchartrain in the hot city of Nawlins. Missing from this picture is the one pound
basket of crawfish that Jef sucked down, while Jeff looked on in
Monday, February 23, 1998: Bloomington, IN
On this night, one of my favorite Demento artists, Tim Cavanagh, came to
Bloomington to play at Bear's Place. Both of his shows that night were
sold out. I got to meet him and his wife before the show, and we chatted
about music, the web, and Dr. Demento.
photo by Chris Barclay
Saturday, September 13, 1997: Columbus, IN
(Sandy) Pinkard & (Richard) Bowden showed up at The Commons Mall in Columbus, IN (home of
station WINN, who USED to carry Dr. D's show). After the show, they
were delighted to sign my records.
photo by Jay Scott
Friday, July 18, 1997: Nashville, IN
Sheb Wooley gave a concert performance at Ski World, a few miles east of
where I live.
I greeted him after the show, and we talked briefly about some of his
records, and his tour with Dr. Demento in 1991.
Saturday, July 5, 1997: Indianapolis, IN
Dr. Demento attended InConjunction XVII (a science fiction convention),
where he gave a talk, played some records and videos, DJed a dance, and
participated in a panel discussion.
Here, I feel the power for a brief moment as he and I trade hats.
The Great Luke Ski was also there, and here he is giving his
impersonation of The Great Cornholio.
Tuesday, October 22, 1996: Terre Haute, IN
Al & the band gave a concert this night on the Indiana State
University campus (NOT Indiana University). Since his birthday was the
next day, the audience sang "Happy Birthday" to him at the end
of the performance.
After the show, I presented him with a birthday present.
I think he liked it, but he was really enthralled by the packaging.
Here's what he later had to say about the encounter.
pictures by Dustin Jablonski; thanks to Julie Prather and Robert F. Haas for the sound clip
March 12, 1951: Louisville, KY
OK, I admit, I am not in this picture. But my great uncle is. This is
Spike Jones conducting the WHAS AM 840 house band. Spike is on the left, toilet plunger in hand. Earl Neal (my
uncle) is the second from the right, playing electric guitar with a big
grin on his face.
photo courtesy of Jack Crutcher; date of picture courtesy of Ted Hering
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