The Biggest Aspidistra In The World - Gracie Fields
I'm A Cranky Old Yank - Bing Crosby
Mr. Custer - Larry Verne
Stinkfoot - Frank Zappa
Your Feet's Too Big - Fats Waller
Another Puff - Jerry Reed
Booglie Wooglie Piggy - Will Bradley & His Orchestra
Barnes & Barnes interview
Cohen On The Telephone - Barney Bernard
Hello, This Isn't Anna - Ron Crick
Dirty Don - Don Bowman
Boogie (All In The Name Of Love version) - John Hartford
Seven Old Ladies Locked In A Lavatory - Oscar Brand
He'd Have To Get Under - Billy Murray
Chula Vista - Possum
Stop Your Ticklin' Jock - Harry Lauder
Ringo For President - The Young World Singers
Alvin For President - David Seville
Isch Ka Bibble - Kay Kyser & His Orchestra
Wonderful W-I-N-O - George Carlin
Mommy Gimme A Drinka Water - Danny Kaye
Hippety Hop - Allen & Grier
Nose Job - The Dellwoods
Cocaine Habit (early fade) - Memphis Jug Band
Whole Lotta Love (w/ intro) - Temple City Kazoo Band
Whole Lotta Love (brief in-studio kazoo performance) - Damaskas
The Beatles' 1968 Christmas Record (edit) - The Beatles
Green Chri$tma$ - Stan Freberg
A Song With A Peel - Spike Jones, Jr.
The Ballad Of Walter Wart/It's Warts On The Flip Side That Counts - The Thorndike Pickledish Choir
Some People Think Chickens Have Lips - Meyer & Drake
The Old Philosopher - Eddie Lawrence
I've Never Seen A Straight Banana - Jones & Hare
Giddyup Donut - Don Bowman
Stars And Stripes Forever - Crazy Rick's Psychedelic Flea Band
I Smell Like 90 Weight - Jef Jaisun
#9 Can I Pawn My Teeth To You - Roy Esser
#8 Be Prepared - Jack Eljan
#7 (tie) My Wild Irish Rose - Richard Nixon
#7 (tie) Salt Peanuts - Jimmy Carter
EXTRA: Soul Man - The Blues Brothers
#6 My Letter To Santa - Tina Starr
EXTRA: I'm Walking Backwards For Christmas - The Goons
#5 Smokum Hokum (The Indian Jive) - Lee Alden & Jack Barron
#4 Dear Abby/An Interview/Psychic Vibrations - Jerry Solomon
EXTRA: Mr. Sheene - Dirk & Stig
#3 Punk Rock Medley - Weirdos, etc.
#2 I'm Surfin' - George W. Husak
EXTRA: Singin' The Blues - Frankie Trumbauer & Bix Beiderbecke
#1 Musical Snuffbox - Florence Foster Jenkins
Musical Snuffbox (brief in-studio performance) - Dr. Demento
next week: a real live top ten
in two weeks: the Christmas show
in three weeks: the top 50