Dr. Demento's Basement Tapes (scanned by poohbear@pooh.mil.wi.us, except No. 2 by floydj@rpi.edu):
Dr. D with Daws Butler (86K)
[picture courtesy Joe Bevilacqua (joekbev@comedyorama.com, http://www.cybergraphix-anim.com/staff/joebev/)]
Dr. D at the premiere of the first Star Trek movie outside Mann's Chinese Theater in Hollywood, December, 1979 (42K)
[picture may actualy be at Star Trek Halloween space costume contest held at 10:30am Saturday, October 27, 1979, for which Dr. D was the judge]
[picture courtesy Glenn Stricker (glenns@vr-net.com, http://www.vr-net.com/~glenns/)]
Dr. Demento's trip to Indiana (summer, 1997)
I have removed the Tom Lehrer album scans from this page because they are available via the Tom Lehrer discography
However, I do have some great exclusive scans, graciously donated by none other than Al's one-time collaborator, Jon Iverson.
Da Yoopers - pictures from da Tourist Trap [courtesy of Dan McDevitt]
Jeff Morris with the superstars of dementia - now you can see the dorky smile I use when I have a brush with greatness
My trip to California, March, 1998 - more pics of me looking geeky with the Demented greats
Sketches Songs And Shoes - Radio Free Vestibule (38K)
[scanned by data@imsa.edu]
back cover of above (59K)
[scanned by data@imsa.edu]